Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Ready for "Long Island Grandbaby"

I'm counting down the days to grandbaby #3!  Over a month ago I traveled to my daughter and son-in-law's in New York. While I was there I helped prepare the nursery, hosted a baby shower and delivered the "baby quilt".  Here are a few pics.

 Nursery Before...


 Nursery After...

Closet before...

Baby Shower Goodies

Hot Air Balloon Baby Quilt

Here is the back of the quilt.  I ordered this fabric from spoonflower.com. That site is great for finding special designs or making your own. You can get wall paper and prints, not just fabric. I free motion machine quilted the back. I am fairly new at this skill. It really is fun. I'm hoping to do more quilt projects using this method. 

This is probably one of my favorite baby quilt projects!